Micro-Project : Develop c program for employee record system.
In this project we are tried to show the working of some important tasks in employee record system and cover the basic functionality of an employee record system of Department, like Employee and Department the Information by using data structure.
We are use C language features such Structure, function, and control Structure to develop this program. We are creating the employee record system based Application where department can be check their information and get the information of Record.
These an
application for useful for maintaining a store employee data. Application
provide understandable interface to the employee, therefore they can be easily
Check their record example name, id, department name etc.
Aim of the Micro-Project
Develop c program for
employee record system.
Course Outcomes
Perform basic operations on arrays.
Apply different searching and sorting
Literature Review
In record system we have save
employee and department data. An Employee’s record System is a
software built to handle the primary Employee data and functions of a company.
Employee record system to help department keep track of all the employees and
their records. It is used to manage the company using computerized system.
Aim of
Employee’s Record System:
Store Employee record.
Display Employee Record.
Data of
the Department’s:
Department Name
Department Id
Data of
the Employee’s:
Employee Name
Employee Id
Employee Salary
Employee Phone Number
Employee Age
For storing the data of the Department, create a Structure and create datatype which will store the information regarding Department. Below is the declaration of the data type:
struct departmennt
char D_name[50];
int D_id;
} d;
For storing the data of the Employee, create a Structure and create datatype which will store the information regarding Employee. Below is the declaration of the data type:
struct empolyee
char E_name[50];
int salry, id, phone, age;
} e;
Record System is based on the concept to generate the Employee’s records and to
add their records and update it. Here User can add their Employee’s
details safely and it’s not time consuming. This System makes easy to of store
records each and every employee. The whole project is designed in ‘C’ language
and different variables and strings have been used for the development of this
project. This mini project is easy to operate and understand by the users.
Proposed Methodology
From collected information about different operations which is perform in
Employee Record System we take Store Employee record and Display Employee
Record operations which is perform in our Store Employee record application. First Create Two Structure Departmentand
Employee. Create getdata function for accept Data for department and employee andShowdata
function is create for Display data. Program run First To display Menu of Employee
record system 1.Store Employee record 2.Display Employee Record you can type 1
so add employee data and enter employee name, id, mobile number, salary. And
you can type 2 so display data to enter first Employee.
Micro-Project Report
Develop c program for employee record system.
In this project we are tried to show the working of some important tasks in employee record system and cover the basic functionality of an employee record system of Department, like Employee and Department the Information by using data structure.
We are use C language features such Structure, function, and control Structure to develop this program. We are creating the employee record system based Application where department can be check their information and get the information of Record.
These an application for useful for maintaining a store employee data. Application provide understandable interface to the employee, therefore they can be easily Check their record example name, id, department name etc.
Aim of the
Develop c program for employee record system.
Perform basic operations on arrays.
Apply different searching and
sorting techniques.
In record system we have save employee and department data.
An Employee’s record System is a software built to handle the primary
Employee data and functions of a company. Employee record system to help
department keep track of all the employees and their records. It is used to
manage the company using computerized system.
of Employee’s Record System:
Store Employee record.
Display Employee Record.
of the Department’s:
Department Name
· Department Id
Data of the Employee’s:
Employee Name
Employee Id
Employee Phone Number
· Employee Age
For storing the data of the Department, create a Structure and create datatype which will store the information regarding Department. Below is the declaration of the data type:
struct departmennt
char D_name[50];
int D_id;
} d;
For storing the data of the Employee, create a Structure and create datatype which will store the information regarding Employee. Below is the declaration of the data type:
struct empolyee
char E_name[50];
int salry, id, phone, age;
} e;
Employee Record System is based on the concept to generate the Employee’s records and to add their records and update it. Here User can add their Employee’s details safely and it’s not time consuming. This System makes easy to of store records each and every employee. The whole project is designed in ‘C’ language and different variables and strings have been used for the development of this project. This mini project is easy to operate and understand by the users.
C program code
/* Program for Employee Record System */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct departmennt
char D_name[50];
int D_id;
} d;
struct empolyee
char E_name[50];
int salry, id, phone, age;
} e;
void getdata()
printf("Enter Depratment Name :");
printf("Enter Department Id :");
scanf("%d", &d.D_id);
printf("Enter Empolyee Name :");
printf("Enter Empolyee Id :");
scanf("%d", &e.id);
Empolyee Salary :\n”);
printf("enter Empolyee Phone Number :");
scanf("%d", &e.phone);
printf("Enter Empolyee Age :");
scanf("%d", &e.age);
void Showdata()
printf("Depratment Name is : %s\n", d.D_name);
printf("Department Id is : %d\n", d.D_id);
printf("Empolyee Name :");
printf("Empolyee id : %d\n", e.id);
printf("Empolyee salary : %d", e.salry);
printf("Empolyee Phone Number : %d\n", e.phone);
printf("Empolyee Age : %d\n", e.age);
void main()
int ch;
while (1)
printf("1. Store Empolyee record\n");
printf("2. Display Empolyee Record\n");
printf("3. Exit\n\n");
printf("Enter Your Choise\n");
scanf("%d", &ch);
switch (ch)
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
Output :
Methodology Followed
• First we collect information about
our micro project topic for which predefined functions is used in our program.
• Second we discuss which type of
variable is used in our program.
• Third we design algorithm for
knowing how many instructions used in our program.
• Then finally developed the actual C
program on turbo c 4.0 IDE.
• Some error is also occurred during
completion, then we solve that with help of team member.
• C Program is properly work and give
desired output that we accepted from it, for example to show the Employee Record the C program give proper output for
these request.
Skill Developed
• Ability to perform a team work
• Communicate effectively in order and
• Use of structure in program
• To finding error
• Communication with team member as a
leader or member
• This project is useful in Employee Record System of Department
• In this project we are tried to show
the working of some important tasks in Employee Record System and cover the basic functionality of
anEmployee system of a department, employee
name, salary.
• The array, structure and function is
very useful to make the program easy.
• Structure is user defined data type
which holds elements of dissimilar data types together so we can store
information of employee using these features.
• A block of code which is intended to
perform a specific task is called as function
• Application provide understandable interface to the empolyee, therefore they can be easily do their add information.